Thursday, 11 March 2010

David Cameron votes to stike British Airways with a Ford Fiesta*

* = not really.

I don't know what Grindr is. Actually, I have never even heard of this social-networking device for poofies and half-poofies.

Although I will say that a friend of mine once downloaded Grindr and turned it on at the office and the bloody thing went into meltdown which is probably why my friend only uses Grindr for shits and giggles.
And to gossip about colleagues he spots on Grindr.

Oh, go on then... yes or no?!

And, yes or no?!

And finally...

Even when you're cruising, always remember the earthquake victims...

If someone had the initiative they would register and turn it into the new Guys with iPhones.

Sometimes I think I should give up my usual job and start up an internet consultancy. For example, I still can't believe that the official Wimbledon website is at

Surely the URL should be

Think about it...


yani said...

Actually, there's already "Blocked on Grindr" ( which is the trainwrecks rather than the hotties... :P

Anonymous said...

I can't help but wonder why you're blogging about such hotness instead of making the call! :-)

I don't think I'd ever come with 5000m let alone 500m around here!

fleetmonkey said...

I'm still waiting for grindr for blackberry to be released - apparently in the pipeline.

Could you imagine if you found yourself on that blockedongrindr site

Closest I have ever had someone on grindr was 8m - I think I was in one lecture room and he must have been in the one next door at work. Extra sleazy chatting up students on grindr so didn't make contact.