Sunday, 24 August 2008

Playing it straight

What happens is that girls go with their gay brothers to pride parties like ones in Soho and Brighton and have a great time. And they tell their straight friends "it's brilliant, because it's like a funfair for adults."

But all the straight boys don't really wanna go to gay pride parties because they would be set upon by greedy homosexuals. So what they do is have the pride party but without the gays.

Which is what South West Four is.

Thousands of people get together on Clapham Common, there are tents and dancing and everyone has a fabulous day and all the boys can take their shirts off and hug all the other boys while the girls sit on the grass and drink beer.
It is gay pride for straight people.

There were around 10 of us in The A-Team, me being the only bender and we were mostly in the trance tent.

Someone had a silly cow balloon that they loved but didn't hold onto it properly and the poor moo floated all the way up to the ceiling.

And although I was with mostly South Africans, I was NOT with the people who were waving the bloody flag.

And I guess here's one more for the road...

What an utter God.

And what a day - I can't wait for next year.


dickophile said...

why must they be straight?

Anonymous said...

I think we need a translation of the Chinese/Japanes script on the last hotties arms - never know - could say "I take it up the Gary Glitter for over 30's Saffers who work in the media"

Robert Cox said...

Dicks: Why must what be straight?

Fleet: I bet it probably does say that. It's obvious.

dickophile said...

the boys. what else?

Dirk Muir said...

Sigh. I wish we had stuff like that in Canada. Yes, I could go to pride, but it would be nice just to have an outdoor dance party too (that isn't, ugh, hip hop). You're very lucky.

Timmy said...

Was he sending a text mssg to his polyamorous boyfriend?

seahorse said...

yum yum....i had the weirdest dream of you last night funnily enough we met up in the karoo both arrived at a house in the same convertibles different colours, and the rest is still juggling in my head.
yes and still no bum.

Robert Cox said...

Dirk: London is full of straight gay festivals. You should relocate.

Timmy: Or using his mobile to access
Or probably not actually.
More likely not, I think.

Seahorse: ah! you dream about me and we don't even know each other. I love you. you're my new best friend. call me every five minutes.

Dirk Muir said...

I did live in London for a couple of years, but I couldn't take the job any more. If I only had a way to come back permanently ... damn non-European citizenship!

seahorse said...

i try, but it says your phone cut off??? besides my bf in usa not be pleased. but that can be sorted. besides, he finks me gangbang every monday, so shit happens. i dream of him to, but not as weird... dit was 'n bietjie snaaks?? baie weird kak.

Graham said...


I think the guy side-on in the 4th pic is almost perfect. The last guy is hot but the tattoo is really lame. Shame.
Isn't there something lovely about straight boys when they're all out together and not shit faced :)
